Individual Therapy

Together, we create a sacred space for you to begin your one-to-one healing journey. This is where your voice will be heard, your experiences will be validated and your mental, emotional and physical well-being will be treated with the utmost care and compassion.


This is just a placeholder.

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.

Sometimes it’s nice to put in text just to get an idea of how text will fill in a space on your website.

Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

Individual Therapy

“When I have been listened to and where I have been heard, I am able to re-perceive my world in a new way and to go on. It is astonishing how elements that seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens…”

Carl R. Rogers

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